


秦郁彦が「動機は金である」と下劣な歪曲をした米軍の新聞『ラウンドアップ19441130日付「日本の慰安婦」(原文:"JAPCOMFORT GIRLS")がネットに公開されていたので、報告する。


    SALWEEN FRONT (UP) - Chinese troops mopping up among the japanese fortifications on the salween Front, recently captured 10 Japanese and Korean women who had lived with the enemy troops throughout three months of shattering artillery bombardment and desperate close-in fighting that fully reduced Sungshan Mountain. 
    The Japanese had shipped a supply of women to the forward fortresses at Sungshan and other large garrisons on the Salween Front. American liaison officers in action with the Chinese troops were inclined to doubt their own eyes when they first encountered this evidence of Japanese ruthlessness at Tengchung, where they found one Korean girl buried alive in a Japanese ammunition dump as a result of a nearby bomb burst. 
    With the help of a Japanese-speaking Chinese student who had escaped from Manchuria and now is serving with the Americans, the personal story of five of the pathetic women of Sungshan was obtained. Four of them were Korean peasant girls, 24 to 27 years old. They wore Western type cotton dresses they said they's purchased in Singapore. 
    They sat on low stools and eagerly puffed American cigarettes as they gradually relaxed from the shock of months of bomb and shell explosions. They said that early in the spring of 1942 Japanese political officers arrived in their home village, Pingyang, Korea. With propaganda posters and speeches the Japs began a recruitment campaign for "WAC" organizations which they said were to be sent to Singapore to do noncombatant work in rear areas - running rest camps for Japanese troops, entertaining and helping in hospitals. All four said they needed money desperately. One said her father, a farmer, had injured his knee and that for the $1,500 puppet currency (about $12 US), given her when she enlisted, his doctor bills were paid. 
    A party of 18 such girls sailed from Korea in June, 1942. Enroute they said they were fed stories of Japanese victories and of a new empire being created in Southeast Asia. They said they first became worried when they were shipped direct through Singapore and that when they were placed on a train headed north from Rangoon they became certain of their fate
    When the party reached Sungshan, on the Salween Front, the four were placed under the charge of a fifth woman - a 35 year old regular Japanese prostitute who also was captured in the mopping up action. 
    There was a total of 24 girls at Sungshan. Among other duties, they had to wash Japanese soldiers' clothing, cook their food and clean out the caves in which they lived. They said they were paid nothing and received no mail from home. 
    When Chinese troops attacked Sungshan, the girls lived below ground in caves. Fourteen of the original 24 were killed by shell-fire. They said they had all been told they would be tortured if captured by the Chinese and all admitted they had believed such stories. They declined to give their correct names to protect their families but all said what they had lived through for the past two years had completely reversed their former naive trust of their Japanese overlords. 




SALWEEN FRONT (UP) - Chinese troops mopping up among the japanese fortifications on the salween Front, recently captured 10 Japanese and Korean women who had lived with the enemy troops throughout three months of shattering artillery bombardment and desperate close-in fighting that fully reduced Sungshan Mountain.
The Japanese had shipped a supply of women to the forward fortresses at Sungshan and other large garrisons on the Salween Front. American liaison officers in action with the Chinese troops were inclined to doubt their own eyes when they first encountered this evidence of Japanese ruthlessness at Tengchung, where they found one Korean girl buried alive in a Japanese ammunition dump as a result of a nearby bomb burst.


With the help of a Japanese-speaking Chinese student who had escaped from Manchuria and now is serving with the Americans, the personal story of five of the pathetic women of Sungshan was obtained. Four of them were Korean peasant girls, 24 to 27 years old. They wore Western type cotton dresses they said they's purchased in Singapore.
They sat on low stools and eagerly puffed American cigarettes as they gradually relaxed from the shock of months of bomb and shell explosions. They said that early in the spring of 1942 Japanese political officers arrived in their home village, Pingyang, Korea. With propaganda posters and speeches the Japsbegan a recruitment campaign for "WAC" organizations which they said were to be sent to Singapore to do noncombatant work in rear areas - running rest camps for Japanese troops, entertaining and helping in hospitals. All four said they needed money desperately. One said her father, a farmer, had injured his knee and that for the $1,500 puppet currency (about $12 US), given her when she enlisted, his doctor bills were paid.
A party of 18 such girls sailed from Korea in June, 1942. Enroute they said they were fed stories of Japanese victories and of a new empire being created in Southeast Asia. They said they first became worried when they were shipped direct through Singapore and that when they were placed on a train headed north from Rangoon they became certain of their fate.

爆弾や砲弾が炸裂した数カ月のショックから徐々に解き放たれていくにつれて、彼女たちは低めの椅子に腰掛けて、アメリカ産のタバコをしきりに吹かした。彼女たちの言によれば、1942年の初春に、日本人の行政官たちが、朝鮮は、平壌にある彼女たちの故郷の村に来たとのことである。宣伝ポスターを使ったり、話をしたりして、その日本人たちは "WAC"*1 のような組織への募集活動を始めた。彼らが言うには、その隊はシンガポールに行って後方地域で、日本軍用の休憩キャンプで働いたり、病院で興行や介助をするなどの非戦闘任務につくとのことだった。4人ともが喉から手が出るほどお金が必要だったそうで、ひとりは農家を営んでいた父が膝を怪我していたので、入隊したときに貰った軍票1,500ドル(およそ12米ドル)で、治療費を払ったとのことだった。

When the party reached Sungshan, on the Salween Front, the four were placed under the charge of a fifth woman - a 35 year old regular Japanese prostitute who also was captured in the mopping up action.
There was a total of 24 girls at Sungshan. Among other duties, they had to wash Japanese soldiers' clothing, cook their food and clean out the caves in which they lived. They said they were paid nothing and received no mail from home.
When Chinese troops attacked Sungshan, the girls lived below ground in caves. Fourteen of the original 24 were killed by shell-fire. They said they had all been told they would be tortured if captured by the Chinese and all admitted they had believed such stories. They declined to give their correct names to protect their families but all said what they had lived through for the past two years had completely reversed their former naive trust of their Japanese overlords.
